Clinical Trial Hero Logo

Hero, meet Hero.

We link medical researchers with essential trial participants.

ClinicalTrialHero is a groundbreaking medical trial facilitation app that is designed to foster equity in research by prioritizing diverse participants, including women, BIPOC individuals, members of the LGBTQ+ community, and others. Disruptive technology connects trials with a broad range of participants through mobile devices and wearable technology. This allows for accurate data collection and remote monitoring, and is delivered in an easy-to-use, understandable and continually improving app.

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Clinical Trial Hero App
Our valueS

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion is at our core

Too many trials and participant matching services leave DEI to be an afterthought. 

For clinicaltrialhero, DEI isn’t just a check box on a ESG report, It’s our purpose.


To be at the forefront of driving equitable and diverse participation in medical trials. We envision a future where all individuals, regardless of their race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or gender identity, have equal opportunities to contribute to groundbreaking research. Through our innovative technology and commitment to understanding the unique healthcare needs of diverse populations, we aim to shape a more inclusive and impactful healthcare landscape.


Advance medical research and innovation by promoting equity and diversity in clinical trials. We aim to eliminate barriers that prevent underrepresented communities, such as BIPOC and LGBTQ+ individuals, from participating in medical research. By leveraging disruptive technology and a deep understanding of participants' medical histories, we strive to ensure equal representation and improve healthcare outcomes for all.


"Unlocking the Power of Diversity in Data for Meaningful Medical Breakthroughs"

We embrace the power of diversity in data for driving meaningful medical breakthroughs. Through advanced data collection, analysis, and interpretation techniques, we extract valuable insights, uncover patterns, and identify healthcare solutions that cater to the unique needs of diverse populations. By unlocking diversity's power, we pave the way for more inclusive, effective, and equitable healthcare outcomes.

Connect Everyone

As a healthcare provider or a medical professional, one of your responsibilities is to provide the best possible care to your patients. One way of doing this is by connecting them to clinical trials.

Research Trials

The field of medical science heavily relies on research trials for developing new treatments and cures for diseases. These trials allow scientists and medical professionals to evaluate new methods and treatments and identify any potential side effects, which can ultimately lead to the approval of beneficial therapies.

Better Treatment

As we continue to advance in medical research, it is crucial to prioritize conducting improved clinical trials to ensure better treatment for patients. With the advancement of technology and scientific methods, better trials can be conducted to accurately test new treatments for various conditions and diseases.

Implementing Technology

In today's world, technology has revolutionized every aspect of our lives, and the field of healthcare is no exception. In this regard, real time data access and technology implementations have become increasingly important in modern clinical trials.

What we do

We will be right there when you need us.

The process of clinical trials is a crucial step in bringing life-saving treatments and therapies to patients who need them.

Empower Your Health Journey

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Discover Opportunities, Stay Informed, and Transform Lives through Clinical Trial Engagement on Your Mobile Device.

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